evangelion is an anime series directed by Hideaki Anno first
aired in the 4th of october 1995
The series explores the experiences and emotions of
Evangelion pilots and members of Nerv as they try to prevent
Angels from causing more cataclysms.
In the process, they are called upon to understand the
ultimate causes of events and the motives for human action.
The series has been described as a deconstruction of the
mecha genre and it features archetypal imagery derived from
Shinto cosmology as well as Jewish and Christian mystical
Ultimatly, Evangelion is a show about depression, loss, and
its depths.
It treats its main topics with maturity and seriousness.
Its constrasting and contradictory depictions of ones
feelings are a masterclass is writing; while not taking the
spotlight from its direction, editing and its experimental
finale, it is defnetly the part of evangelion that interests
me the most.
Apart from the giant robots ofc